09-22, 15:55–16:25 (US/Eastern), Main Room
MovingPandas is an open source python library for working with trajectory data. MovingPandas is an extremely useful tool for working with AIS data which represent the location of vessels. In this talk i'll present the methods and algorithms implemented in MovingPandas and discuss the insights it can derive for shipping companies, port operators and government agencies.
MovingPandas is an open source python library for working with trajectory data. MovingPandas is an extremely useful tool for working with AIS data which represent the location of vessels. In this talk i'll present the methods and algorithms implemented in MovingPandas and discuss the insights it can derive for shipping companies, port operators and government agencies.
Previous knowledge expected
Ray Bell is currently a Principal Data Scientist at DTN. Ray's role involves implementing advanced data analysis for business strategy for Weather, Energy and Agriculture.
Ray has experience in implementing novel solutions to big problems in sectors such as Hospitality, Defense as well as Oil and Gas. Ray has developed data mining techniques on High Performance Computers and machine learning algorithms to optimize forecasts.
Ray is a Project Management Professional, holds a Ph.D. in climate science from the University of Reading, England and is a software carpentry instructor. Ray became a level 5 chartered manager with the Chartered Management Institute in 2015 and was a charted member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology while working at BP.